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Membership Benefits and Opportunities

NYDHA Member Benefits

Learn about the value of your membership in NYDHA. Read about 5 reasons to connect with your state professional association and check out the services below, developed by NYDHA and ADHA for members.



Only NYDHA members may receive ADHA / NYDHA / Local Component benefits. Only members may serve in voluntary and elected positions.


Representation: Members receive expert representation on workplace, professional and licensing issues, as well as access to oral health before the New York State Legislature, state regulatory agencies, and Congress. Through our Advocacy and Public Policy Program, we promote measures to maximize use of the experience and education of dental hygienists.


Communications: NYDHA has retooled its web site – - and its E-News and electronic alerts to increase communications about what’s happening, what NYDHA is doing on your behalf, opportunities for you to get involved and express your perspectives and shine a spotlight of appreciation on members of the profession for their exemplary work for oral health.


Continuing Education and Empire Conference: As a member, gain reduced fees for sponsored continuing education programs, including special member rates for the statewide Empire Conference and webinars. The Conference provides multiple CE credits in two days, practical information you can put to use and public policy updates, featuring nationally recognized speakers, as well as student table clinics and of New York State and exhibits of oral health products and services. Local components also sponsor CE programs throughout the year across the state.


Professional and Public Service: NYDHA members have opportunities to serve on special task forces and public service projects designed to advance oral health access, consumer information, and the profession. You can make contributions to oral health standards through professional and public service activities conducted by NYDHA or your local component. Professional membership builds an identity for you and the dental hygiene profession. Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to check on current opportunities.



Through ADHA membership, you can take advantage of up-to-date information about emerging technologies, insights on professional and educational opportunities, alerts on legislative developments at the national level, and a calendar of events you can use to network with peers. Read about particular benefit programs.