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The Dental Hygienists’ Association of the State of New York (DHASNY) presents the information on this Web site as a service to our members and other Internet users. While the information on this site is about the profession of dental hygiene and oral health, it is not dental healthcare advice. Questions about your specific oral health conditions should always be addressed to a licensed dental professional. DHASNY makes no warranty, guarantee or representation concerning the accuracy or reliability of the content on this site, and DHASNY assumes no responsibility or liability regarding the use or misuse of such information.

Links or pointers to other Web sites are provided as a courtesy only and DHASNY assumes no responsibility or liability for their content or accuracy.

All documents and information contained on the Web site of Dental Hygienists’ Association of the State of New York (DHASNY) are the property of DHASNY, whether or not a copyright notice appears on the screen displaying the information. Users may save and use this information only for personal use. No other use, including reproduction, retransmission or editing, may be made without the prior written permission of DHASNY, which may be requested by contacting DHASNY headquarters.